Monday, December 17, 2007


We are happy to announce the arrival of Addison Kate Norris on Friday December 14, 2007. She weighed 7 lbs and 13 ounces and was born at 5:40 pm. The Norrises are all doing well. I just hope that our little one comes into this world a little easier than baby Addison. She definitely did not want to come out, and after many hours was brought into this world via c-section. We can't wait for our chidren to be able to play together in the years to come.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our FIRST entry

It has only taken me 5 and 1/2 months to get my thoughts in order and actually get a chance to sit down and start the blogging process. For those of you that do not know, we found out in August that we were expecting our first child. We were thrilled to say the least. Jeremy was definitely surprised when he came home from work and I showed him the stick indicating that we were pregnant. We went to bed that night and I woke the next morning at 5 am to find Jeremy sitting on the couch just staring into space. When he saw me he said, "Why don't you try one of those sticks again and see what it says." Needless to say, the results were the same. Not long after that did the nausea start. It took 5 months to go away and I seemed to spend most of those months either in bed, or very close to home. It was definitely not something that I had thought would happen to me.
We had our first ultrasound at eight weeks where we saw the little one and heard the heartbeat for the first time. That was pretty amazing.

At 20 weeks was when we could find out the sex of our little one. Jeremy at first wanted to wait but it didn't take me long to convince him other wise. We went in the week of Thanksgiving and my bladder wasn't filling properly so something that normally takes 10 minutes took us a couple of hours. We had to go into the room three times before the ultrasound technician was able to see all that she needed to see. It was very obvious from the ultrasound that our little one was a HE!!!!!!! It is hard to believe that we are now over halfway through with only 122 days to go. Thanks to my cousin Elizabeth, we have ordered our baby furniture and have gotten a great deal on it. We are in the process of choosing bedding and deciding on a name. I only hope that we can agree on a name BEFORE I go into labor. We are getting everything ready for Christmas and anxiously awating the arrival of our neighbors' babies. The Norrises go to the hospital tonight and will soon have baby Addison. The Grice's are awaiting the arrival of Lauren, due on January 3, 2008.