Monday, August 25, 2008

4 month check up!!!!

Last Thursday we took Hudson to the doctor for his 4 month check up. Everything went well and Hudson is definitely growing like a weed. He now weighs 19lbs and 14 ounces, and is 28 inches long. He is still in the 95th percentile for height and weight. Dr. Coleman said that we could start Hudson on vegetables once a day. We decided to start off with squash and see how that would work. The pictures tell it all.

We made a little mess

We laughed a lot and still managed to eat it ALL!

The squash was definitely a hit

We seem to like all of the vegs so far that we have tried. The carrots, green beans, squash, and sweet potatoes all seem to be just fine for Hudson, and a good addition to his daily meals. The shots this time around we not as traumatic and hopefully only get better on our future visits.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Week At The Beach

It seems to get harder and harder to find a free moment to try and sit down and update my blog. Since I've been back to work now for almost 2 months, you would think that life would slow down when in reality it just seems to go by faster.
My brothers came in town the last week in July, and we had a great week out at Fripp. It was great to finally get to introduce Hudson to his Uncle Tommy,Uncle Jamie, Aunt Esther, and soon to be Aunt Laura. Kate and Shannon were a big help with Hudson throughout the week as well. Here are some picts from the week.
We dressed Shannon, Kate, and Hudson in white and tried to get a picture of them on the beach. It was a good idea in theory, but that was about it. Shannon was only interested in playing with the sand and Hudson thought it was too bright out to even look at us, or open his eyes for that matter. Kate did a good job at holding Hudson on her lap while we attempted to take a picture.

Afterward Shannon headed straight for the water and sat down in it, dress and all.

Everyone loved the beach and playing in the water. Hudson loved taking a nap under the umbrella not long after we got there.

Hudson got lots of quality time with both of his uncles while they were here. I think that Uncle Jamie mastered the bottle with Hudson as well as learning to avoid getting spit up on.

We ended the week with a great day out at Wild Hill. Were were so glad that Caroline could join us with the boys. Fordham and Kate played the entire time together.

Here is Kate ready to kiaking with her dad

Here is Shannon fishing with her dad

Here's Caroline getting some practice with holding a little one again

We had such a great week with everyone, we only wish that it could have lasted longer. We are glad to know though that we will be seeing everyone again soon at Uncle Jamie's wedding in October. There is truly nothing better than spending time with your family!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rice Cereal

We decided that it was time to start Hudson on rice cereal now that he is 16 weeks old. We were fully prepared for this to be a process in which took Hudson a couple of weeks to figure out. Boy were we wrong!! We should have known that this would be NO problem for Hudson since he loves milk so much.

We fed him in his entertainer and he gobbled it down

He didn't even make that much of a mess (surprise)

Overall, Hudson seemed very satisfied with the rice cereal. We hope that it stays this way in the future and hope to soon introduce some vegs and fruits. It is amazing that it is already time for all of this. Time sure does fly by fast with Hudson around. Hudson does roll over now for everyone except his mom. His Nana and dad have seen him do this many times, but his mother on the otherhand seems to always miss it. Hopefully I will get to see it soon. Hudson definitely talks a lot more these days and now holds objects in his hands, but has not yet mastered moving the object from one hand to the other. Hudson wants so bad to sit up and when he holds your fingers will pull himself up, but still cannot sit up on his own. This is sure to come soon though. We are having a ball watching Hudson grow and change and hope everyone else is too.