Tuesday, April 29, 2008

2 Weeks Old!!!!!!

Where has the time gone??? It seems like just yesterday that we were anxiously waiting for the arrival of Hudson. These last two weeks have been so amazing and a time of many firsts for us as a family.
We have mastered the art of sleeping in our new home without any problems.

We went on our tummy for the first time this week and seem to already have such a strong neck.

We went to the doctor for our 2 week check-up to find that we now weigh 9 lbs and 10 1/2 ounces and are 22 inches long. The doctor said that everything looked great and to keep up the good work. We must not have a problem in the eating catergory seeing that we went from 8 lbs, 4 oz at birth to 9 lbs, 10 & 1/2 ounces only two weeks later.

Life is truly amazing and without a doubt the greatest gift of all has been given to Jeremy and I. We look at each other everyday and are still so amazed that this is our child and such a blessing to our lives. In a blink of an eye we became the most important people we will ever be in our lives.....parents, and I am so blessed to get to experience this with Jeremy. He has already proven to be such an amazing father in the last 2 weeks. I can't wait for the rest of our lives, and all that is to come.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

And Then There Were Three......

It is truly amazing that a week ago at this time, our lives were about to change in a way that we could have never imagined. We have spent 9 months preparing for this day, and there are no words that can describe the feelings, emotions, or amazment that we felt this entire week, and from now until eternity.
For those of you that don't know, we were scheduled to go to the hospital Sunday evening at 6pm, and start the induction process. I woke up on Sunday morning and Jeremy and I went out to eat for breakfast. All was well until we got home. I was doing last minute things around the house when I started complaining that my back was hurting. I still did not think that much about it or that it could be the start of labor. I continued to do things around the house with no concern for what was to come. My mom came over to eat lunch with us, and as I was walking out of the laundry room, my contractions began. I immediatley got into the shower to help ease the pain of my back. At that point my contractions were about 5 minutes apart. Jeremy started packing his bag and I spent 30 or so minutes in the shower trying to ease the pain in my back with hot water. We got packed and decided we would go to my moms since she lived close to the hospital. When we got there my contractions were close to 3 or 4 minutes apart. I called my doctor and she told me to go ahead and come in. We got to the hospital at 2:oo and immediatley started the labor process. I was checked by a nurse to find that I was 3-4 cm dialated. She told me that I could go ahead and get my epideral. I was in a lot of pain and was definitely ready for a little relief. I got my epideral around 4:oo. My doctor soon arrived shortly afterwards, and said that I was about 6 cm. At that point, she broke my water and started Pitocin. She came back to my room around 7 pm and said that I was 8 cm. She was then going to deliver a baby next door and then would be back. She came back at 7:30pm and Hudson arrived at 8:02pm. I think we were all shocked at how quickly Hudson's arrival actually was.

Hudson weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz and was 21 &1/4 inches long. Definitely a big boy from the start. He seems to be a combination of both Jeremy and I and I am sure will change so much in the days to come. My mom and Jeremy were there throughout the delivery, and Jeremy's parents were able to be there that night right after we delivered. We were able to come home on Tuesday and have spent the rest of our week getting settled in our home. Everyday has been such a blessing to have him in our lives, and it makes me wonder what we ever did without him. Here are some pictures of our little miracle.

This is a picture of Hudson in his antique cradle from his Nana. It has been a huge hit from the moment we arrived home. Hudson with his Nana

He is truly our little angel

We thank you all for your love and support this last week. We are doing great and can't wait for everyone to meet our newest addition.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Welcome Little One!

The countdown is (finally) over!

Hudson Quinn Stansell arrived Sunday, April 13th at 8:02 p.m.! He's a healthy boy -- 8 pounds, 4 ounces & 21 1/4 inches long. Mom, Dad & the little guy are doing great! Updates to follow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Countdown has begun!

I went to my last OB appointment yesterday. It was bittersweet because I have been going there every week since I was 24 weeks along. I know every nurse and OB in that office and it was really weird to not have to make another appointment for next week.
As of yesterday I am 2 cm dialated and based on the ultrasound, Hudson weighs 8 lbs and 8 oz. They said that the weight could vary from a little over a pound or so, but still, he is a big boy who has run out of room in my belly. If I do not go on my own by Sunday evening, then Jeremy and I will be at the hospital at 6pm to start the induction process. Overnight they will give me a drug (Cervidil) to soften my cervix, and then start another drug (Pitocin) on Monday morning. So at the latest, Hudson will be here Monday sometime which is only a day later than my estimated due date. Jeremy seems to be more relaxed now that we have been given a date, but I am still hoping to go before then.
Thanks again to everyone for their thoughts and prayers these last 9 months. It has made the bedrest go much smoother. Let's hope that the next time around is a little easier!!