Saturday, March 29, 2008

Almost There

I am 38 weeks on Sunday and ready to pop to say the least. I will spare everyone a picture of my belly at this point. Hudson has dropped and is engaged. I am 1-2 cm dialated and contracting on a pretty regular basis. I have to wait until my water breaks or my contractions get stronger, faster, and longer.
I am pretty uncomfortable since he has dropped and it has made doing almost anything pretty hard. I have been walking (or at least trying to do so,) cleaning, and trying to get everything in order before the big day. Our doctor said that he thought it would probably be another week or so.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers these past 9 months. We couldn't have made it this far without everyone's love and support and can't wait for the big day to come.....We promise to keep everyone posted on Hudson's arrival!