Saturday, March 14, 2009

11 months old

In these past 11 months it has been so amazing to watch Hudson grow and change. I often look at him now and wonder what happened to our little baby. These days Hudson is trying his hardest to walk, loves to talk up a storm, and can't seem to get enough of exploring and being outside. Jeremy and I are constantly amazed at the things that Hudson remembers day after day and week after week. He loves it when his father chases him around the house and plays hide and seek. He has been a great eater from the start and we have started the conversion to whole milk, and of course he seems to have no problem with it. I think that Hudson would sleep outside if we would let him, or in the bathtub. Either of those places it is hard to pry him away from. He has a fascination with cars, motorcycles, and wheels on just about anything that moves. He is very determined and won't give up on things until he has accomplished the task. He loves to eat whatever Jeremy and I are eating, no matter what it is. He still loves his passy and warm milk at bed. If we would let him, I think Hudson would live everyday in only his diaper and no clothes. He seems to be getting two more teeth on the bottom with four still coming in on top. That makes us up to eight teeth total. We still don't like naps that much and think that we are going to miss out on something if we shut our eyes for more than 2 seconds.
We have so much fun with Hudson everyday and truly marvel at the joy he has brought into our lives. We love to watch him grow but he is growing too quickly before our eyes. Here are some recent pictures...

Hudson trying to drive his dad's truck

Dad trying to teach Hudson how to walk

Hudson's favorite activity (playing with the pots and pans)

Hudson trying to carry some bait for his dad

Hudson, thank you for these last 11 months. We are so blessed to get to watch you grow and change. You have brought such meaning and purpose to the lives of your father and I. We can hardly wait for all that is in store, from now until eternity. You truly light up our lives with your smile and laughter. We thank God for the miracle he has given to us almost a year ago. We love you!!!!

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Elizabeth said...

Emily he is so cute! I think he looks a lot like you! I hope we'll be able to catch up soon, we're planning a trip to Bft for Easter with me and the boys since Chris will be working. Sending lots of hugs and well wishes your way!

Tasha Webster said...

netifHudson is the cutest baby! It is hard to believe it has already been a year since he was born. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Give a hug to everyone for me and Chris.
Much love,

Caroline said...

What a cutie pie. We are looking forward to his first birthday. :)

Holly K. Berns said...

Today is your 1st Birthday Hudson, Happy Birthday big boy!! We love you and are so glad we get to watch you grow up, it's a joy! Love you, Casey, Holly, and Kellen