Saturday, March 14, 2009

On the Road.....

It seems like we have spent the majority of this past month on the road. Thank goodness Hudson has been a great traveler or we might be in trouble. My father was diagnosed with congestive heart failure along with other serious issues, so we packed up the car and drove through the night to KY for a visit. This was this first time that Hudson was able to meet his grandfather. We had a short trip but were glad to be able to visit with many close friends and family while we were there. The snow and the cold weather quickly reminded me of why I moved away from there. Here are some pictures of Hudson with his Uncle Jamie and grandfather.

Hudson wasn't so sure what he thought of Uncle Jamie's beard

Hudson and his grandfather

After a short trip to KY we were back in Beaufort for a week and then headed off for Florida with Nana and Papa. The home that we stayed in was beautiful, the beach was gorgeous, and of course Jeremy and I were sick our entire trip. I ended up with bronchitis and Jeremy with tonsilitis. Thank goodness that Hudson did not get it, because Jeremy and I felt pretty miserable the entire trip. We did manage to get a few photos when we weren't in the bed or visiting Urgent Care.

We are glad to be home and on the upswing of getting everyone better. We are looking forward to next month and turning the big 1.... it is still hard to believe that it has almost been a year!!!!

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1 comment:

Holly K. Berns said...

The pictures are awesome!!! Love the one of the side profile of Hudson, he's so precious! And he's walking, still can't get over it. Send a video when you can :) Glad you are all feeling better and can't wait for more pictures! Love and miss you guys.